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Sunday, August 02, 2020

This week’s best-selling books | ReadingRoom - Newsroom

Check out this list by New Zealand books.

This week's bookcase star is lecturer in te reo Māori at AUT, Hemi Kelly (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Tahu, Ngāti Whāoa), author of the Penguin best-sellers, A Māori Word A Day and A Māori Phrase A Day. His books collection include Te Te Kōparapara: An introduction to the Māori world, Nga Iwi O Tainui, Black Marks on a White Page, and A New View of the Irish Language.
This week's biggest-selling New Zealand books, as recorded by the Nielsen BookScan New Zealand bestseller list and described by Steve Braunias, edits Newsroom's books section, ReadingRoom.

Source: Newsroom