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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Using Machine Learning To Automate Data Coding At The Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS) | AI - Forbes

Government agencies are awash in documents. Some of them, like Bureau Labor Statistics (BLS), turn to machine learning to help improve and streamline various processes by Kathleen Walch, Managing Partner & Principal Analyst at AI.
Photo: courtesy of thesomeday1234 at
Federal agencies are increasingly looking to  AI to help improve those document and human-bound processes by applying advanced machine learning, neural network, and natural language processing (NLP) technologies. While for many these technologies might be fairly new in their organization, in some government agencies, they have been using that technology for many years, augmenting and enhancing various workflows and tasks. 

In the case of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the agency is mandated to conduct a Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses to determine workplace injuries and help guide policy. To perform this survey, BLS has dozens of trained staff in offices throughout the country who classify injuries and illnesses using workplace-generated survey data. However, the human-based processes performed at BLS were performed manually, causing inconsistencies in labeling, coding errors, and speed and cost bottlenecks.

To streamline this process, BLS implemented machine learning to help...  

Source: Forbes