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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Why Mathematics & Statistics? | Mathematics & Statistics - University of Strathclyde

Take a look at The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Strathclyde.

Maths Blackboard
Mathematics & statistics are living subjects full of exciting developments and challenging problems. As a student in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, you'll spend three to five years learning about a fascinating and rapidly-changing discipline. What would become increasingly apparent as your studies progressed is the central and unique position held by mathematics and statistics in the worlds of:
  • science
  • engineering
  • information technology
  • business
  • commerce and industry
Mathematics & statistics provide a common language underpinning all of these fields. Many of the most important recent developments in mathematics & statistics have taken place in response to the needs of these areas...

We're confident that, armed with a mathematics-based degree from Strathclyde, you will be well prepared to play an important role in the modern world...

If you're interested in PhD study, we offer a wide variety of subject areas and pathways.

Source: University of Strathclyde