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Sunday, September 23, 2012

ARKive provides a unique audio-visual record of life on Earth

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With the extinction of various animal species occurring at a faster rate now than at any time in Earth’s history, programs to educate the public about the planet’s biodiversity and raise awareness of the need for preservation are critical.

ARKive's Channel (YouTube)

ARKive is one such effort, bringing together the very best photos and video footage of the world’s species in one centralized digital library, to create a unique audio-visual record of life on Earth—and prioritizing those species at the greatest risk of extinction.

Besides preserving and maintaining this information for future generations, ARKive also contains extensive educational resources, including several thousand videos, images, and fact files that can be used in a wide range of subject areas—as well as science teaching resources grouped according to students’ age range.

About ARKive


Promoting the Conservation of the World's Threatened Species, Through the Power of Wildlife Imagery

With species extinction now occurring at a faster rate than at any time in Earth's history, effective awareness raising and education programmes are ever more vital. Powerful wildlife imagery is an emotive and effective means of building environmental awareness and engagement, and quick and easy access to this imagery is essential in the digital mass communications society we live in today.
However, until now, this valuable imagery has been scattered throughout the world, in a wide variety of private, commercial and specialist collections, with no centralised collection, restricted public access, limited educational use, and no co-ordinated strategy for its long term preservation.
ARKive is now putting that right, gathering together the very best films and photographs of the world's species into one centralised digital library, to create a unique audio-visual record of life on Earth, prioritising those species at most risk of extinction. Preserved and maintained for future generations, ARKive is making this key resource accessible to all, from scientists and conservationists to the general public and school children, via its award-winning website -

Source: eClassroom News