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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Live Webinar: The new techniques for online presentations

Attend this free interactive webinar

Refresh your presentation skills

Date: Tuesday, September 25
Time: 1 PM (UK)
Duration: 30 mins (plus Q&A)

It’s time to change the dictionary entry for “presentation” – online meetings and virtual presentations have rendered the old format (and, especially, the approach) practically obsolete.

Join actress, presentation skills expert and facilitator Hayley Mogridge as she helps refresh your presentation skills and teach you new ways to have impact and deliver a great message online. From her personal meaning of “BBC” to the power of storytelling in 5D, there’s something new for even the most experienced presenters.

Attend this interactive webinar to:
  • Discover the key ingredients of creating business presentations with real impact.
  • Learn where to find the best content to drive the deepest engagement.
  • Leverage the full power of today’s digital platforms to drive interactivity and create that “wow” factor.
  • And more...
Register for the Complimentary Webinar