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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Edutopia Offers Guide for Mobile Devices in the Classroom

If you’re a teacher curious about this growing trend, this is a must-download.

Photo: Brent Hannify
Brent Hannify writes. "Edutopia and Google Apps for Education have produced a new 10-page PDF guide to mobile learning in the classroom. Teachers can download the guide to learn more about how the use of tablets, e-readers and smartphones are changing the classroom environment and engaging students on multiple levels."

Guide to mobile learning in the classroom (PDF)

The guide is a useful tool for teachers skeptical about embracing the technology or administrators curious about the benefits it can bring to the classroom. There are a number of resources and quick links to the writing of educators and authors who have performed research about BYOD and other forms of digital learning, and recommendations for the best apps to use.

Source: Technapex