Learning technology through three generations of technology enhanced distance education pedagogy
By Terry Anderson [terrya@athabascau.ca] and Jon Dron [jond@athabascau.ca],
Athabasca University, Canada [www.athabascau.ca]
Athabasca University, Canada [www.athabascau.ca]
This paper updates earlier work in which we defined three generations of distance education pedagogy. We then describe emerging technologies that are most conducive to instructional designs that evolve with each generation. Finally we discuss matching the pedagogies with learning outcomes.
This paper expands on an earlier work, Three generations of distance education pedagogy, (Anderson & Dron, 2011) by describing the technologies and the synergetic results of using effective pedagogy in combination with emerging technologies – to create powerful learning opportunities.
Unlike earlier classifications of distance education (Garrison, 1985; Nipper, 1989; Taylor, 1995), which were based solely on the technology used, this analysis focuses on the pedagogy that defines the learning experiences encapsulated in the learning and instructional designs. The three generations of technology enhanced teaching are cognitive/behaviourist, social constructivist and connectivist.
The paper looks at recent developments in emerging educational technology and discusses the ways in which these tools can be used and optimized to enhance the different types of learning that are the focus of distance education theory and practice.
Source: The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning – EURODL
Source: The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning – EURODL