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Monday, July 20, 2015

How to Play the Hi-Ed Digital Game- and Win.

Rhea Kelly, Executive Editor, Campus Technology magazine writes in the preface to The Digital Revolution and Higher Education, "For years, thought leaders in higher education have warned of disruptive change looming on the horizon. And with the advent of massive open online courses, or MOOCs, many proclaimed that the forces of change had come to a head."

Download your copy of the E-book today
Now that students could access high-quality courses on any topic, any time, anywhere—for free—what need would they have for a traditional college education?"

Doomsdayers were convinced that professors would be replaced by video lectures. Venerable universities would crumble and shut down. Degrees would become valueless trinkets. In reality, though, MOOCs have been less of a death sentence
and more of a tool for a long-overdue revamp of the practice of teaching and learning in higher education. Innovative fac ulty have experimented with using MOOC content as a digital textbook, flipping the classroom by asking students to review recorded lectures in advance and reserving class time for more collaborative work...   

Blink and you’ll miss it. Technology is transforming education faster than we know it.

In our comprehensive E-book, you’ll learn how and why the internet of everything is changing everything- with featured input from a wide spread of faculty members and IT leaders.

One of the highlights outlines the tech trends of 2015 and the present and forecasted challenges they bring for higher education.
Download your copy of the E-book today

Source: eCampus News