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Friday, July 31, 2015

Quitman High students take math into the real world

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Paul Rivera summarizes, "Geometry and construction students at Quitman High School were surprised last year when their teacher told them they were going to use geometry to build a cabin. They started in October and a year later, the project is now finished."

Photo: KTRE

It's not your typical idea, most classes are not this hands on, and for some students like Sarah Davis, the idea of building a cabin for class was something that, at first, she met with skepticism.

"I was really happy that we got it done and I'm really glad that we ended up staying in the class and actually learning," she says.

John Herring saw the idea online and thought it would be something great for his students to try. The goal behind this creation was to find an idea that teachers thought would make learning exciting and bring it into the real world.

"Most Geometry students do not want to come to class, but these 10 here, they were excited about coming to class every day and we can take it from the geometry terms that I use and converted it into the construction language," Herring says.

It’s a language that showed students why math is important even when it was difficult.

Source: KTRE