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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Report: cracking the glass ceiling for science and technology

"The proportion of female researchers and students might be increasing in Europe, yet they remain underrepresented in scientific careers and disciplines." according to European Parliament, News.

A report adopted by the women's rights committee on 14 July sets out how women could be helped to overcome the barriers preventing them from progressing in science, research and the technology sector. Check out our infographic to find out how many men and women graduated in science over the past decade.

Number of science and technology graduates per 1,000 habitants aged 20-29 in the EU. F stands for female graduates, M for male graduates. View on web

Need for action
Women might make up half the population, but they represent only 33% of European researchers, 20% of university professors and 15.5 % of heads of institutions in the higher education sector. Greek EPP membe rElissavet Vozemberg has come up with several ideas to improve the situation in the report that was adopted in committee this week:  “My report focused on further positive actions in order to challenge the glass ceiling barrier, highlighting the importance of ensuring absolute fairness in the hiring process, eliminating stereotypes or prejudices concerning the female gender and tackling women being underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math careers."

What's in the report
The report calls for improving network opportunities for female scientists at the regional, national and European level as well as for campaigns to encourage women to pursue scientific careers, especially in engineering and the technology sector. It also says the creation of gender equality plans should be considered as a precondition for access to public funding in research, science and academia and also asks for programmes to actively encourage women to continue their careers after maternity leave.
Click here for more news from the European Parliament.

Source: EU News