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Monday, July 13, 2015

Learning expansions at the library

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Local libraries were able to purchase several early learning tools for kids recently through a donation from the Bay County Public Library Foundation.

Malena Zelaya, 7, learns about the solar system during an interactive computer game on July 7. Three Early Literacy Stations have been set up for children at the Bay County Public Library. 
Photo: The News Herald

The foundation provided $22,000 for eight early literacy stations. The stations — touchscreen computers loaded with about 70 educational games and activites — were distributed throughout Northwest Regional Library System branches in Bay and Liberty Counties, with three stations at the Bay County Public Library.

“It’s got all kinds of neat and educational games for the kids, so this is really a big thing for us to have these new computers for the younger kids to use,” said Sandra Pierce, head of youth services at the Bay County Public Library.

Pierce said library had not had much time to explore the programs yet since the stations only arrived last week, but already she has found games that are challenging even for adults.

“They’re basically for kids between 2 and 8 years old, but even older kids will enjoy them,” she said.

The stations, including a bilingual Spanish edition, include games designed to help children learn basic math, science, reading and critical thinking skills, but also about history, geography, music and more.

Source: The News Herald