How To Create Content to Attract the Modern Learner
Live Webinar - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 | 11:00 am MDT/12:00 pm CDT/1:00 pm EDT
Research shows that 84% of organizations are spending less than 5 cents of every learning dollar on exploring, acquiring and deploying informal initiatives, yet modern learners prefer informal methods.
Why the disconnect? Too many learning organizations still try to conform to their current technological environment of learning management systems and authoring tools that focus on traditional, formal learning.
Register now to learn how to create an ecosystem that breaks free of formal learning confines and allows you to finally leverage learning content in a way that meets modern learning requirements.
Topics Covered:
- How to create a content strategy that makes your learning content reusable, accessible and measurable across all formal and informal channels
- What new and expanded L&D roles are required to create and deliver modern learning experiences
- Why content management is the critical missing piece of your learning architecture and how it allows you to deploy informal learning programs
- Using content management to address critical learning and development initiatives, including closing skills gaps and reaching a mobile and multi-generational workforce
Enjoy this free live webinar!