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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Where Are All the Educational Video Games for Adults?

Follow on Twitter as @HeyHeyESJ
"Does learning stop when you get older?" according to Eric Johnson, writes about the videogame industry.

That would appear to be the case if this week’s Games for Change Festival in New York was any indication. I don’t write about education often, but the exposure to a range of developers eager to make games that effect change got me thinking about why so many of them were geared to kids.


Educational games are estimated to be an $8.4 billion market in the U.S. And at a high level, the industry seems to agree that educational titles are effectively complementing traditional classroom and book learnin’.

But in listening to developers and educators at the festival, I noticed a curious limit to the discussion: Educational games were almost always implied to be aimed at children.

But what about a straightforward lesson? You may want to learn to code, or take another crack at calculus, or figure out what happened in the Civil War, but you haven’t set foot in a school in ages. Sure, you can read a book or watch a college lecture online, but I’d wager most of the educational games you’ll find are clearly for the younger set, like Lexica:

Amplify Games: The World of Lexica™ (new) 

Source: Re/code and Amplify Education Channel (YouTube)