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Saturday, December 15, 2018

8 Scholarships From Top Ranking Universities For Data Science That Students Can Apply In 2019 | Education - Analytics India Magazine

Note: To get admission in foreign universities/Institutes mentioned above fulfilling English language eligibility through (TOEFL or IELTS) is must.

Studying data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning and related technologies in a foreign university might be an expensive affair, notes Martin F.R., aspiring journalist.

Photo: Analytics India Magazine

While there are a lot of sources available on the courses one can opt for in Data Science, it is hard to find detailed information about the scholarship for specialised courses. In this article, we list down top 8 scholarships that aspiring data science candidates can apply for in 2019. 

The article aims to list down scholarships available in top-ranking universities and should not be deemed as a comprehensive list. 

Source: Analytics India Magazine