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Thursday, September 06, 2012

E-learning to become one of the biggest education innovations

Kazakh education system is facing a task to equip young people for a successful career in the information society. Above all else, such a result can and should be reached through innovations.

Photo: Caspionet

Kazakhstan’s entire educational and scientific system involving around 18 thousand organisations and almost half a million of teachers are designed to hit the target, with a third of the country’s population striving to obtain high-quality knowledge.
Teachers are fully capable of coping with the challenge. For every teacher there are slightly more than 10 pupils out there. The government invests tremendous funds because innovations in many areas depend on educational innovations.

Gul Nurgaliyeva, Professor at International Academy of Information Systems,
"The most important innovation is the introduction of e-learning in the educational system. The specificity of Kazakh approach lies in the integration of e-learning into traditional schooling, consequently, the teaching paradigm, the role of both the teacher and the pupils will also change. Overall, education based on electronic learning will intensify to the maximum and will ensure that we obtain more information, more knowledge and the skills will be mastered much faster."


Source: Caspionet