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Sunday, August 05, 2018

11 New Books We Recommend This Week | Book Review - New York Times

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Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times by Gregory Cowles, Senior Editor, Books.  

The singer-songwriter Josh Ritter has a line I sometimes quote to aspiring writers anxious about balancing their artistic ambitions with their desire for an audience. “I’m singing for the love of it,” Ritter proclaims in “Snow Is Gone,” “have mercy on the man who sings to be adored.” Do your thing, in other words, and let your fans find you on your home turf. Compromising your principles still doesn’t guarantee an audience, but you’ll always have to answer to your idea of yourself.

Sermon’s over! Time to read.This week’s recommended titles offer up a handful of characters who refuse to pander to the crowd, from the prickly Princess Margaret (in Craig Brown’s unconventional biography) to the haughty fashionista Loulou de La Falaise (in Christopher Petkanas’s oral history) to the eccentric Keiko, protagonist of Sayaka Murata’s novel “Convenience Store Woman.”

Times being what they are, we also suggest a book about the impact of the opioid crisis, and a graphic novel about the pathologies of race relations, and Michiko Kakutani’s look at the erosion of objective truth as a democratic value. Rounding things out are a couple of histories — one about milk, the other about anti-Semitic violence in Eastern Europe — and a clutch of debut novels worth tossing in your beach bag.

Source: New York Time