Dr Nicolas Tabareau from IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire,
provides us with further insight about interactive proof assistants,
within the wider field of computer science, software and mathematics.
Formal software correctness is gaining traction, with a paroxysmal
application to lethal issues in medicine and autonomous vehicles.
Interactive proof assistants based on type theory have shown their
effectiveness to prove the correctness of important pieces of software
like a C compiler [Ler09] or a software-to-hardware toolchain
[DeepSpec]. However, they suffer from a major limitation: the absence of
Effects and proof assistants: An impossible marriage?
The general acceptance of interactive proof assistants by non-experts
suffers from a major limitation, the absence of effects in their type
theory. Indeed, some basic programming paradigms – such as exceptions or
mutable memory – are absent from the language of type theory, leading
to efficiency issues. Dually, some basic logical principles
– such as the excluded middle or the axiom of choice – are also absent
from the language, leading to expressivity issues. Taking aside the lack
of efficiency and expressivity, the absence of effects forces
developers to stay in the “all programs and proofs must be fully
specified and terminating” paradigm, which prevents quick prototyping
and testing before entering the full certification process...
A more conceptual cause of the incompatibility between effects and type
theory lies in what is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence, which
tells us that proofs and programs are the very same things. Therefore,
extending the expressivity of the language
from a programming point of view amounts to extending the expressivity
of the logic, which can lead to inconsistencies if the extension is not
compatible with the rest of the logical system.
Source: Open Access Government