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Friday, April 03, 2020

The AI ethics review - eight sticking points we haven't resolved | Machine intelligence and AI - Diginomica

AI tech is moving quickly - but the ethical problems aren't going away. Here's eight AI ethics issues that persist, explains Neil Raden, active industry analyst, consultant.

Photo: Diginomica
Well over three years ago, I started to research and write about AI Ethics. Den Howlett of diginomica interviewed me about the topic in an article in September, 2018 - Can AI be bounded by an ethical framework?

I have since written about various aspect of AI and AI ethics for diginomica. Though I stand by the principles in those documents, they are neither comprehensive, nor completely current.

AI is moving so fast, and new ethical issues are apparent. It is time to review the subject, first by commenting on what has materially changed in the last few years, and what ethical issues have arisen...

This is hardly a complete list - so it will be a recurring series.

Source: Diginomica