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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Never a better time to discover the joy of words: Top books to read during lockdown | Features -

You’ll never be without a friend if you have a good book by Andy Richardson, Feature Writer at Express & Star.

Top books to read during lockdown
At times of great happiness or sorrow, of joy or depression, books will offer companionship and support, a sense of perspective and a friend who leads the way.

To steal from the Oxford-educated essayist Logan Pearsall Smith: “People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading.” And as we prepare ourselves for a long-time in lockdown, books have never been more relevant...

The result was a new set of friends. I’d look at books and be grateful for the lessons they’d taught, fun they’d provided and journeys they’d taken me on.

So as we all look ahead to lives irrevocably changed by covid-19, it’s time to rediscover the joy of words. All of us will spend more time at home during the coming year, almost all of us (NHS staff excluded) will have more time on our hands.

There’s never been a better time to rediscover the joy of words.
