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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Educators come to Charlotte to learn more about digital learning | WBTV

"The School Superintendents Association held its three day Digital Consortium in Charlotte July 22-24" according to Dedrick Russell, Reporter at WBTV.  
Photo: Reuben Muiruri | WBTV
Around 45 educators came from around America to experience and learn more about innovation in schools, technology and blended learning. 

Attendees visited Charlotte-Mecklenburg School (CMS) Olympic High School to see how that school partners with local businesses including Siemens. Nick Polyak is a superintendent from Illinois. He says he has learned some lessons and was impressed.

"We got to meet with executives from local firms including Siemens about how they are working with the schools to provide apprenticeships and equipment to help prepare students," Leyden HS District #212 Superintendent Nick Polyak said.

Polyak thinks those connections made during the Consortium and skills learned in high school will make the difference for students.

"It opens up doors," Polyak said. "It teaches them about what the real world of work is and what's waiting for them so they can hit the ground running when they leave our schools."

Polyak says he is ready to take what he has learned in Charlotte back to Illinois. The educators also visited Levine Museum of the New South. They got a history lesson concerning issues of equity and race. One of the goals of the Consortium is to stress equity for all students in the classrooms. Reports show about five million school age students are without broadband internet in their homes.

"It is our responsibility when it comes to digital tools and resources," Polyak said. "We need to break down walls. We need to fill in the gaps so we can put all kids on an equal playing field, so that every student has the same chance to be successful."

Teachers also attended the Digital Consortium. They discussed ways technology can help their students make the grade.
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Source: WBTV