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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

To Lead In The Digital Era, Be An Architect, Not A Technologist | Forbes Now

Disclosure: I have been a guest at Software AG events over the past year.

Photo: Joe McKendrick
Joe McKendrick, author, independent researcher and speaker exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets says, "An MIT survey of 4,300 executives finds 68% say their organizations need new leadership to compete in the current digital era." 

Architecture matters.
Photo: Joe McKendrick

"Although responses suggest that leaders need to understand technology, technical skills per se are not a prerequisite for effective digital leadership," according to Gerald Kane, the report's author. Leading qualities needed for digital adoption include providing vision and purpose, creating a culture of innovation, and empowering people to think differently. "Digital leadership is about leading in the new business environment created by digital disruption, not about mastering technology. People report that being change oriented or having a transformative vision is more important."

For those seeking to take on leadership positions in today’s budding digital enterprises, it pays to concentrate on developing business and architectural skills as it does technology or cloud development skills.  That’s because the key to future career growth and prospects for today’s and tomorrow’s leaders isn’t in technical proficiency, but in the ability to understand the implications of technology to business.

The leader of one of the world’s leading technology firms, with an engineering background, also urges new ways of thinking on the path to digital success...

What's important is an understanding of business use cases -- not underlying technology. "We have all to be much better in the description in the use cases, so that everyone understands much better what is in digital. For example, when you look at your watch, the user interface is very clear. When someone asks you for the time, you don't have to explain how the watch is working. This is what we speak about with digital all the time -- we need to speak about the business usage. What does it mean? What is security? What is privacy? What to do use? What does it mean when I give away my data?"

Source: Forbes Now