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Thursday, May 06, 2021

5 E-Learning Trends Shaping the Future of Training | Research & Articles - Software Advice

With some companies forced to pivot to remote work on the fly, and many more having to make drastic changes to keep employees and customers safe, learning and development (L&D) took an unexpected (but understandable) backseat last year, according to Sierra Rogers, Content Writer and Brian Westfall, Principal Analyst.

In a Software Advice survey of small business employees, nearly half (49%) told us they haven’t developed any new skills during the pandemic...

If you’re reading this, you recognize how important workplace learning is to maintain a competitive and engaged workforce. To that end, what are the e-learning trends that we’ll all be talking about this year?

In this article, we’ll look at five e-learning trends we believe are shaping the future of employee training. Below, we’ll explain what these trends are, why they’re trending, and—most importantly—how your business can take advantage of them this year.

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Source: Software Advice