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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The science of art: Nate Craig combines his interests in art history and STEM | Arts & Culture - Binghamton University

Scratch the surface of the world and you find math by Jennifer Micale, Communications Manager at Binghamton University.

English: Dancers and musicians, tomb of the leopards, Monterozzi necropolis, Tarquinia, Italy. UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Equations lurk even in art, from the geometry that structures architecture to the processes and materials from which artwork takes its form. 

Art history and mathematical sciences major Nate Craig
Photo: provided photo.
In that light, Nathanial Craig’s dual major in art history and mathematical sciences makes sense.

Some art historians look to data and mathematics to back up their claims, he explained. Others use philosophical terms derived from mathematical sciences...

Photo: Julia Walker
Photo: Tom McDonough
Professors who made a difference for him include Associate Professor Tom McDonough and Associate Professor Julia Walker in art history. Becker also played a significant role. 


Source: Binghamton University