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Monday, February 27, 2017

Mobile-First? Don't Write Off The Tablet | EuroMail

Photo: Sean Hargrave
Sean Hargrave, MediaPost's London Editor argues, "Research shows tablets are as prominent in opening emails as the desktop. The two channels are very much alike, questioning our assumption that it's overwhelmingly a mobile-first market."

We have all talked about a mobile-first world for a good couple of years. It has always seemed like an observation that splits the market into smartphones and desktop. There's a timely reminder today that this isn't totally accurate.

While the majority of emails in the UK and US are opened on smartphones (51% and 58%), the rest of the market is not desktop-only. There is our old friend, the tablet. 

It's quite a surprise that the latest Movable Ink research shows far more emails are being opened on tablets in the UK than in the US. In fact, a massive one in four emails are being opened on British tablets, compared to 15% in the US. 

If nothing else, then, the research works as a reminder that the power of the tablet should never be forgotten, particularly as it is a slightly bigger sector of the UK market than desktop -- 25% compared to 24%. So if we accept that as many opens happen on tablets as desktop, what does this mean for marketers?

The big difference between each email marketing channel is usually location. The desktop will typically be at work or in the study, perhaps on the laptop on a sofa, but this market is clearly being overtaken by the tablet. Or is it? Perhaps it's the same market? Just the device has changed. I agree with eConsultancy that although people often think about tablets as mobile devices, they're usually anything but. They're effectively slimmed-down laptops that are used on the sofa or dining room table, in the same way as a laptop used to be.
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Source: MediaPost Communications