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Monday, September 10, 2007

Editor's Hand Picked Headline News

New online further education 'excellence' portal

A new online portal which is set to become the leading service for people working within all aspects of further education has been alunched last week.
The Quality Improvement Agency's Excellence Gateway gives further education staff access to an unrivalled range of high-quality guidance and information on effective practice to help them further develop their own skills and professional knowledge.


‘New York Times’ Enters Distance Learning Market

The New York Times on Thursday announced a major push into higher education — with new efforts to provide distance education, course content and social networking. A number of colleges are already either committed to using the new technologies or are in negotiations to start doing so, evidence of the strong power of the Times brand in academe.
If successful, the enterprises could help some colleges start or expand distance education and might provide professors and students with information that might replace the need for some textbooks or course materials, college officials say.