Just look at this interesting line-up in this EDUCAUSE Review, September/October 2007, Volume 42, Number 5 issue.
The back-to-school issue focusing on faculty development, is now available online.
- My Computer Romance
By Gardner Campbell
"Only when our students see our own learning blossoming within a computer romance will they listen to us when we tell them to use these tools more wisely themselves." - Wikis and Podcasts and Blogs! Oh, My!What Is a Faculty Member Supposed to Do?
By Patricia McGee and Veronica Diaz
Given the demands of teaching, service, and research, faculty are today expected to embrace learning technologies along with everything else, challenging the institution to help them make sense of what works and how to work it. - Active Learning and Technology:Designing Change for Faculty, Students, and Institutions
By Anne H. Moore, Shelli B. Fowler, and C. Edward Watson
Transformational faculty-development efforts must involve systematic, goal-directed, sustained activities that are integral to the daily work of academic community member. - Faculty 2.0
By Joel L. Hartman, Charles Dziuban, and James Brophy-Ellison
As faculty members confront the expanding impact that technology is having on their scholarship, research, teaching, and students, IT organizations must assess their role in shaping, implementing, and supporting the assimilation of IT into the teaching and learning process.
Source: EDUCAUSE Review