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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Slapping down myths about online learning | University - Swinburne University of Technology

Read his opinion piece originally published in The Australian.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Duncan Bentley, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, debunks three myths about the quality of online education compared to face-to-face learning.

If you loved the School of the Air, you should love online education.
Photo: The Australian.
We reminisce fondly about the School of the Air. It is a quintessentially Australian thing for dedicate­d teachers to deliver the highest-quality lessons to the most remote parts of Australia by radio, correspondence and now advanced technologies.

In contrast, policymakers have little fondness for online educa­tion, particularly higher educa­tion. It is time to bust some myths of online education as we celebrate the more than 23 Australian universities delivering education either fully or partly online.

This year, the Swinburne University of Technology celebrates its 20 year partnership with Open Universities Australia and eight-year partnership with SEEK Learning to deliver Swinburne Online.

Does the quality stack up? Let’s debunk three popular myths.

Source: Swinburne University of Technology