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Monday, April 05, 2021

CodeSpark Academy is a fun app that will get kids coding | Parenting - Reviewed

Janelle Randazza, Staff Writer - Parenting recommends,  Coding never looked so cute. 

Photo: CodeSpark Academy

Want to get your kids coding? It can be harder than it looks. Our family has checked out countless video games and apps that profess to be fun while teaching kids the fundamentals of coding. In the end, most are either underwhelming in their concept and playability, or they feel a little too advanced for the 5- to 7-year-old age set.

When we signed up to test CodeSpark Academy through their seven-day free trial, I was happy to discover that there is a well-designed and well-thought-out early coding app out there. This app is made for kids ages 5 to 9; for the past three weeks our seven-year-old has been giving it rave reviews and asking to play with it constantly. To him, it it feels like an entertaining break, all the while it teaches advanced math concepts (like sequencing and order of operations) in such a way that even if coding is somehow replaced with some other arcade skill by the time he enters the workplace, he’ll still be building valuable math and logic skills to help him in myriad ways... 

Is CodeSpark worth it?

Yes. The most common complaint I read about CodeSpark is about the $7.99 monthly price tag. While that can add up, we think it’s worth it. There is no advertising to pause play and frustrate young users, and there are no micro-transactions that pop up unexpectedly to unlock additional areas. I find with so many “free” apps, my son stops using them the minute we hit a paywall. I don’t mind the $7.99 monthly fee because what you see is what you get. It’s also easy to cancel at any time.  


Source: Reviewed