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Friday, April 09, 2021

How women have shaped philosophy: nine female philosophers our authors admire | Books - OUPblog

When asked to name a philosopher, it is more than likely that many of the major thinkers that spring to mind will be male by OUP Philosophy.

Photo: ‘Ma(r)y Sinclair entering Kensington Women’s Social & Political Union shop’ via LSE Library (Flickr).
Throughout history, men have dominated the philosophical canon, with women vastly underrepresented. However, we can in fact trace women engaging in philosophical discourse back to ancient times. There is a long and rich tradition of female thinkers who have made important contributions to philosophy, and whose works merit further recognition.

To celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month this month, we asked some of our authors to tell us about a female philosopher they admire, and why. Read their responses below for an illuminating and varied look at female thinkers and the contributions they have made to the field.

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Additional resources

Feminist Philosophy from Oxford

Source: OUPblog