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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mrs. Dalloway’s Berkeley bookstore is up for sale | Business - East Bay Times

Judith Prieve, East Bay journalist inform, Owners say it’s time to retire. 

Mrs. Dalloway’s Literary and Garden Arts, an independent bookstore on College Avenue in Berkeley was put up for sale on April 15, 2021. The owners, Anne Leyhe and Marion Abbott, are retiring.
Photo: Courtesy Mrs. Dalloway’s Literary and Garden Arts

Mrs. Dalloway’s Literary and Garden Arts, a beloved Berkeley independent bookstore known for its eclectic array of books and gardening gifts, is for sale.

Owners Anne Leyhe and Marion Abbott, both in their late 60s, announced their retirement and the sale of their longtime store at 2904 College Ave. in a letter emailed to customers and on their website Thursday morning.

“It’s just time to retire. We’re looking forward to some new owners who will keep the store going, and who will have lots of new energy,” Leyhe said in a phone interview.  “We’re hoping that those people are out there, and we think that they are.”...

The 3,000-square-foot store has hosted a variety of events, including author readings and signings, and book exchanges. It also has been a source of literary curriculum for schools, Leyhe said.

“Teachers come in and get lists of books from our children’s book buyers,” she said. “So there’s lots of exchanging going back and forth.”

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Source: East Bay Times