His genius was to prove vital in bringing victory over Germany during the Second World War after he famously helped crack the Enigma code, Paul Jeeves, Head of News reports.
Mathematician Alan Turing is known as the father of modern computing and as the codebreaker responsible for breaking the Germans’ ciphers in the 1940s.
But his talents also extended to a theory of using mathematics to explain biology – showing how animals get their distinctive markings.
Academics from the University of Sheffield are now launching a project to allow school pupils across the country the chance to explore how maths can be used to understand the world and nature, centred on Turing’s own theories...
The high-level maths which Turing used can be broken down into thousands of smaller calculations using the methods of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
As part of the lessons, children will complete calculations – cracking various codes – before submitting their answers to the next school to perform the next set of calculations.
Source: Yorkshire Post